Gamebook Demo Available Now!

Tonight marks the release of the demo for the upcoming gamebook. While the original goal was to have finished the entire gamebook by now, I have not had the time to do the original concept justice and have instead opted for releasing a demo consisting of the work I have managed to get done on the project.

One will also notice that the project state has been put to "On hold." There are other game design and portfolio-related ventures that I feel I need to embark on for the time being, but I still plan on returning to this project in due time. My current plan is to release a version that lives up to the original vision of the gamebook sometime in the middle of this year.

PS. The release of the demo means that the Combat System Playtest has been delisted.


Gamebook Demo 280 kB
Jan 31, 2024

Get Paladin of Planet Thrúd

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